Departments -3-


Brief Information of our Department

Thanks to efforts of Prof. Mümtaz TURHAN, the Chair of Social Anthropology and Ethnology was founded in 1960. American anthropologist Prof. C.W.M. Hart -- the former chairman of Society for Applied Anthropology -- was appointed as the first chairman. Following his return to the USA in 1969, Prof. Nephan SARAN became the new chairman. Prof. SARAN presided at the Department until 1987. From 1987 onwards, Prof. Taylan AKKAYAN headed the Department until his retirement on November 13th, 2012. On December 3th, 2012, Prof. Yüksel KIRIMLI was appointed as the head of the Department. Since December 12th, 2018, Prof. E. Barış Özener is heading the Department.

Brief Information Regarding the Scientific Works and Research Activities of our Department

Anthropology, developed in the early 20th century with a distinctive methodology and perpective, studies the origins and social relationships of human beings as creating agents of culture. In addition to acquainted undergraduate students with ever since accumulated theoretical knowledge, one of the principle aim of the Program is to teach students how to conduct social research in order to explore the reasons behind both natural and social problems.
As a social science, anthropology is the only discipline that is closely related with not only basic sicences (such as physics, chemistry, and biology) but also other social sicences (as psychology, sosciology, visual studies, literature, lingusitics, philosophy, and history). Thanks to that aspect of the discipline, anthropology widens its branches into various sub-disciplines such as physical anthropology, paleaoanthropology, and socio-cultural anthropology. Anthropology explores and explains the genesis and variation of human beings, as well as human society and culture. In accordance with that holistic perspective, the Program offers its students not only the oppourtunity to specialize in various sub-disciplines, but also competence in systematical thinking, devoloping projects, and conceptualization.

Academic Staff

Physical Anthropology
Prof.Dr. ECEVİT BARIŞ ÖZENER (Head of the Department, Ana Bilim Dalı Bşk. )
Research Assis. AYŞE YEŞİM ÖZDEM

Prof.Dr. DERYA ATAMTÜRK DUYAR ( Ana Bilim Dalı Bşk. )
Research Assis. AYŞEGÜL ŞAHİN

Social Anthropology
Prof.Dr. YÜKSEL KIRIMLI ( Ana Bilim Dalı Bşk. )
Assoc.Prof. Dr. GÜL ÖZSAN (Vice Head of the Department)
Research Assis. MEHMET UTKU İÇEN

Project/Award etc. Achievements of Academics

1. ATAMTÜRK DUYAR, Derya. "Panaztepe Excavation Project" funded by Ministry of Culture (Continues).
2. ATAMTÜRK DUYAR, Derya. "Kastabala Excavation Project" funded by Ministry of Culture (Continues).
3. ATAMTÜRK DUYAR, Derya. "Adramytteion Excavation Project" funded by Ministry of Culture (Continues).
4. ATAMTÜRK DUYAR, Derya. "Epiphanei Excavation Project" funded by Ministry of Culture (Continues).
5. ATAMTÜRK DUYAR, Derya. "Alacahöyük Excavation Project" funded by Ministry of Culture (Continues).
6. BAYKAL BÜYÜKSARAÇ, Güldem. Historical Memory, Heritage and Cultural Identification among Displaced Communities in Cilicia and the Northern Levant (AHRC-The Nahrein Network Collaborative Research Grant). 1 January – 31 December 2020. Co-Investigator.
7. BAYKAL BÜYÜKSARAÇ, Güldem. Landscapes in the Making: Claims to Land, Heritage, and Livelihood in Southwest Rural Turkey (Koç University, ANAMED Research Fellowship). 16 September 2019 – 16 June 2020. Principal Investigator.
8. BAYKAL BÜYÜKSARAÇ, Güldem. Living Amid the Ruins: Archaeological Sites as Hubs of Sustainable Development for Local Communities in Southwest Turkey. (Dr. Lutgarde Vandeput, PI; Dr. Işılay Gürsu, Co-I, British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara, BIAA). Funded by British Academy Sustainable Development Programme, 1 October 2016 – 1 April 2018. Researcher in the British Academy Project
9. BAYKAL BÜYÜKSARAÇ, Güldem. Aspendos Cultural Heritage Management Project (Antalya, Turkey). Dr. Işılay Gürsu, PI. Funded by BIAA & The Headley Trust. 1 January 2013 – 30 April 2016. Researcher in the British Institute of Archaeology (BIAA) Project.
10. DUYAR, İzzet. "Panaztepe Excavation Project" funded by Ministry of Culture (Continues).
11. DUYAR, İzzet. "Kastabala Excavation Project" funded by Ministry of Culture (Continues).
12. DUYAR, İzzet. "Adramytteion Excavation Project" funded by Ministry of Culture (Continues).
13. DUYAR, İzzet. "Epiphanei Excavation Project" funded by Ministry of Culture (Continues).
14. DUYAR, İzzet. "Alacahöyük Excavation Project" funded by Ministry of Culture (Continues).
15. Özsan, Gül. "Kültürlerarası Etkileşim Pratiği Olarak Bulgaristan'dan Türkiye'ye Göç: 1969-1978 Yakın Akraba Göçü ile 1989 Zorunlu Göçünün Göçmenlerin Deneyim Anlatıları Üzerinden Analizi", 2019, Expert/Researcher in TÜBİTAK-funded project, (SOBAG proje no:119K855). (Continues).
16. Özsan, Gül. “Türkiye’de Taşra Burjuvazisinin Oluşum Sürecinde Yerel Eşrafın Rolü ve Taşra Kentlerinde Orta Sınıflar”, 2006-2008. Expert/Researcher in TÜBİTAK-funded project (SOBAG 105K174).
17. Özsan, Gül. Conseil Sante, EDUSER, SOFRECO (2007) Health Seeking Behaviour Study, Ministry of Health General Directorate of Mother-Child Health and Family Planning and the Delegation of the European Commission to Turkey, Ankara. (Türkiye Üreme Sağlığı Programı Sağlık Arama Davranış Araştırması Sağlık Bakanlığı ve Avrupa Konseyi Destekli Projesi, 2007, Researcher/Expert.
18. Özsan, Gül. “Maltepe Başıbüyük Mahallesi’nde Toplumsal Kalkınma için Sağlığı Geliştirme Projesi”, M.Ü Sağlık Eğitim Fakültesi, 2420. Bölge U.R Nüfus ve Kalkınma Grubu RFPD, Göztepe ve Bahçeşehir Rotary Kulüpleri, Maltepe İlçe Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü, Maltepe Belediyesi, Maltepe İlçe Sağlık Grup Başkanlığı, 2004-2006, Researcher.
19. Özsan, Gül. Düzenli Egzersiz ve Sporla Yaşlıların Yaşam Kalitelerinin ve Sağlık Durumlarının Geliştirilmesi Projesi”, Marmara Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Yüksek Okulu, Marmara Üniversitesi Sağlık Eğitim Fakültesi, (İstanbul Büyük Şehir Belediyesi arasındaki ortak protokolle), 2003-2006, Researcher.
20. Özener, B.Comparison of daily life touch between countries (Continues)
21. Özener, B. Human Behavior Under Conditions of COVID-19 (Continues)
22. Özener, B. Cross-Cultral Project on Sexual Morality, 2016-2019.

Information about education objectives, quotas, accreditation status, the prep classifany of the department at the undergraduate level

The aim of the degree program is to ensure the sustainability of the contemporary, qualified, and effiecient understanding of education that exits in the program. The objectives of the program are
1- In addition to provide theoretical knowledge, one of the main objectives of the program is to teach its students how to conduct research that would explore the reasons behind the natural and social problems.
2- In order to realize the first objective, its other objective is to make sure that each student would have gain experince in conducting fieldwork.
YKS puan türü: Eşit Ağırlık
Base Point for 2020: 272,39501
2020 Başarı sıralaması: 369084
Quato: 45

How to apply Double Major and Minor Programs?

The link for Double Major Program:
The link for Minor Major Program:

Graduate Education

Both M.A (with thesis) and Ph.D. Programs are carried out at the Department. Application procedure could be seen via following link:

Exchange Programs

The Department has Erasmus cooperations with two universities, namely GrazsUniversity, Avusturia, and Coopenhag University, Danmark, on the level of both undergraduate and graduate levels.
For futher information on Erasmus Program:
For futher information on Farabi Program:
For futher information on Mevlana Program:

Features that Distinguishes Our Department from Equivalent Departments

What makes anthropology unique among the social sciences? anthropology's holistic approach to the study of humanity; the importance of fieldwork and participant observation; and its emphasis on cross-cultural comparison. Applied anthropologists work to solve real world problems by using anthropological methods and ideas. For example, they may work in local communities helping to solve problems related to health, education or the environment.

Business areas that our graduates can work and be involve

Anthropology graduates have a wide range of fields of study. Those who complete the anthropology department can take part in many different institutions or organizations. Among the Public Institutions where they can take office; There are important institutions such as Mineral Exploration Search (MTA), Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Research Centers, Turkish Historical Society, Museums, Excavation Areas, Ministry of Public Works and Settlement, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Affairs.

Admission Requirements to Undergraduate Programs for International Students

International students are required to take the "Examination for Foreign or Overseas Students" exam held by Istanbul University.

Brief Information of our Department

The Department of Theatre Criticism and Dramaturgy was established under the direction of Prof. Dr. Zehra İpşiroğlu in 1992 as a master and doctorate program. Its first aim was to educate well-instructed lecturers, critisers and theorists who will work in the field of theater. Its primary faculty members were selected among those who successfully graduated from master's and doctoral programs. Undergraduate program was estabished in 1994-95 academic year and it had its first graduates at the undergraduate level in 1998. After the retirement of Prof. Dr. Zehra İpşiroğlu, academic activities and researches were continued under the chairmanship of Prof.Dr. Dikmen Gürün who was also the director of International İstanbul Theatre Festival. After the retirement of Prof. Dr. Dikmen Gürün in June 2008, Prof. Dr. Kerem Karaboğa was elected as the department chair. Since 2008, there are two major disciplines in our department: “Theater Criticism and Theory” and “Dramatics and Art of Dramatic Writing”.

Brief Information Regarding the Scientific Works and Research Activities of our Department

To develop students’ general knowledge and skills about of theatre history, dramatic literature, critical theory, and playwriting. To contribute to Turkish and world theater with original and contemporary artistic, theoretical, critical and dramaturgical works. To create methods to improve the current quality of playwriting in Turkish theater, to give theoretical and practical products in the context of the results obtained. To investigate ways of international recognition of the theater of our country and to develop the field of theater theory and criticism, to produce theoretical and practical studies in the context of the results obtained. To strengthen the scientific value and dignity of theater art in our country by carrying out studies in cooperation with international and national academic and official institutions and non-governmental organizations working in the field of theater.

Academic Staff

Department of Dramaturgy and Playwriting
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yavuz Pekman
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hasibe Kalkan
Assist. Prof. Dr. Oğuz Arıcı

Department of Theatre Criticism and Theory
Prof. Dr. Kerem Karaboğa
Assist. Prof. Dr. Nilgün Firidinoğlu
Res. Assist. İstek Serhan Erbek

Project/Award etc. Achievements of Academics

Cultural Education Through Theatre (Diğer Uluslararası Kurum Destekli)
Theatre Empowers (Diğer Uluslararası Kurum Destekli)
Kültürel Eğitim Alanında Örnek Modeller (AB Destekli)
Gençlerin Kültürel Alana Erişimi (AB Destekli)

Information about education objectives, quotas, accreditation status, the prep classifany of the department at the undergraduate level

Our program accepts students with a central placement exam (Grade type: SÖZ) since 2017-2018 academic year.

How to apply Double Major and Minor Programs?

There are double major and minor programs in our department. The student must have completed 120 credits / 240 ACTS for the minor program and 60 credits / 120 ACTS for the minor.

Graduate Education

There are Thesis Master and Doctorate programs in our department. There are no prerequisites, except for the ALES and Foreign Language Exam (ÜDS, KPDS, TOEFL etc.) determined by the Social Sciences Institute. For detailed information, visit the web pages of the Institute of Social Sciences.

Exchange Programs

Our department has an Erasmus agreement with Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Academy of Fine Arts of L'aquila, Freie Universitat Berlin and University of Lincoln.

Journals (published by Department)

Journal of Theatre Criticism and Dramaturgy - Tiyatro Eleştirmenliği ve Dramaturji Bölümü Dergisi aims to publish high quality original articles of researches, academicians, writers and and post graduate students, and contribute to the knowledge in the field. It is a peer-reviewed, open-access, scientific journal published twice a year in June and December. The Journal covers theatre history and criticsm, theatre theories, dramaturgy, playwriting, creative writing, Ottoman-Turkish theatre, and contemporary developments in the international and national theatre scene. Original articles and reviews in English, German and Turkish are published in the journal.

Features that Distinguishes Our Department from Equivalent Departments

The "Theatre Criticism and Dramaturgy" department program is the first and only program that carries the fields of theatre criticism together with dramaturgy to the academic environment within the department of social sciences, based on similar examples in the world. Thanks to the comprehensive and dimensional program of our department, our graduates have provided important services in the fields of writing, dramaturgy, drama education, theatre criticism, as well as in the public sector and the private sector, as well as the academic staff of the performing arts departments of our country's universities, especially in the development of theoretical courses. On the other hand, especially in the media sector and the increase in the drama sections of the sector, our program brought an increase in demand to its activities and to our graduates.

Business areas that our graduates can work and be involve

Our graduate students can work at National Theatre, Municipality Theatre and Professional Theatre Companies as play writer, dramaturg and director. They are employed as a copywriter or creative person in the advertising industry, as a writer, screenwriter, dramaturg or dialogue writer in the cinema sector, as a theater researcher and theorist in universities or related institutions. In addition, with the increase in State and Private Universities, our graduates fill an important gap in our country in the context of theatre theory and dramaturgy as lecturers in the relevant departments of these universities.

Admission Requirements to Undergraduate Programs for International Students

The transfer student candidates from Turkish or foreign universities are subject to the YOK Legislation "The transfer, double degree, minor degree and inter-institutional credit transfer" and to the evaluation conditions determined by İstanbul University Senate. The transfer quotas are determined and announced by Turkish Higher Education Council (YOK). The evaluation of the candidates are done by the school evaluation commmisin and approved by the management

Admission Requirements to Graduate Programs for International Students

The transfer student candidates from Turkish or foreign universities are subject to the YOK Legislation "The transfer, double degree, minor degree and inter-institutional credit transfer" and to the evaluation conditions determined by İstanbul University Senate. The transfer quotas are determined and announced by Turkish Higher Education Council (YOK). The evaluation of the candidates are done by the school evaluation commmisin and approved by the management

Social Media Accountsştirmenliği-ve-Dramaturji-Bölümü


Brief Information of our Department

Linguistics is a discipline that examines language and language-related thought, which is the most important feature that distinguishes man from other living creatures in nature. Linguistics, developed especially in our country which is led by Istanbul University, has turned into departments in several universities; With the establishment of the Department of Linguistics in 2010 at our university, an independent department related to this field of science was formed. The Department of Linguistics does not only study language within the scope of grammar rules; it also examines language by adopting an inclusive approach in which language's close relations with other disciplines are also examined as a whole.

Brief Information Regarding the Scientific Works and Research Activities of our Department

Each human language is a set of knowledge and abilities that enable language speakers to communicate with each other, to express ideas, hypotheses, emotions, desires and everything else they need to express. Linguistics is the study of these information systems in all aspects. How such an information system is structured, how it is acquired, how messages are produced and understood, how it changes over time is in the field of linguistics. Linguists are ultimately concerned with a number of specific questions regarding the nature of the language. Questions such as "What are the common features of all human languages, how do languages differ, and how different are differences systematically, so can we find common points in differences?" are asked by linguists.

Academic Staff

Department of General Linguistics
Prof. Dr. HAYATİ DEVELİ (Head of Department)
Associate Professor. MEHMET GÜRLEK
Assistant Professor AHMET ISPARTA

Applied Linguistics Department
Associate Professor. MURAT ELMALI (Head of Department)
Assistant Professor Member MEHMET AYGÜNEŞ

Project/Award etc. Achievements of Academics

Asisstant Prof. Mehmet Aygüneş: 2018 - Processing Processes of Relative Clauses: Event-Related Brain Potentials and Time-Frequency Analysis
TÜBİTAK Project, 2018 -Study of syntactic processing and verbal memory by multimodal imaging
TÜBİTAK Project, 2011- 2014 - Subject Agreement and Subject Position Assignment in the Acquisition of Turkish as a Second Language,
TÜBİTAK Project, May 2016 - BAP Success Award

Information about education objectives, quotas, accreditation status, the prep classifany of the department at the undergraduate level

The Department of Linguistics is in the application phase for accreditation and does not require a preparatory class since the language of instruction is Turkish. You can click on the link for Yks score type, quotas and success order.

How to apply Double Major and Minor Programs?

The duration of education in our department is four years. Our students have the opportunity to do double major in other departments of the Faculty of Letters. Note: Students who want to do double major / minor inlanguage departments must take language examination of the related department.

Department's Student Club

Istanbul University Linguistics Club, established by the students of our department, is one of the most active clubs with its activities both in social media and in the school.
Instagram: iudilbilimkulubu
Twitter: dilbilimkulubu
Facebook: iudilbilimkulubu

Graduate Education

Our department has graduate programs: linguistics_ researches__tezli_yuksek_lisans_programi_(orgun_ogretim)

Exchange Programs

Although the Department of Linguistics does not have an Erasmus agreement yet, it continues to negotiate with various foreign universities. However, the department has a Mevlana agreement.

Journals (published by Department)

The new issue of Istanbul University Journal of Linguistics, whose 34th issue will be published this year, will be published by our department.

Features that Distinguishes Our Department from Equivalent Departments

Our department is different from English linguistics as its language of education is Turkish and it offers students the opportunity to work in new areas such as Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language.

Business areas that our graduates can work and be involve

Our graduates have the opportunity to work in many fields such as communication, literature and education.

Admission Requirements to Undergraduate Programs for International Students

The Department of Linguistics has an international student quota and transfer from other universities is possible. Speaking Turkish at C1 level is an acceptance requirement for foreign students.

Admission Requirements to Graduate Programs for International Students

The Department of Linguistics has an international student quota and transfer from other universities is possible. Speaking Turkish at C1 level is an acceptance requirement for foreign students. It is not possible to write a thesis in a foreign language in our graduate programs.

Social Media Accounts

Twitter: iu_dilbilim

Brief Information of our Department

The Department of Translation Studies and German Translation and Interpretation Studies was established with the efforts and pioneering work of Prof. Dr. Şara Sayin, Prof. Dr. Akşit Göktürk, Prof. Dr. Özcan Başkan in the academic year of 1992-1993 and the first head of the department was Prof. Dr. Nilüfer Tapan. Later, Prof. Dr. Turgay Kurultay took over and served as the head of the department for many years. In 2000, the Department of German Translation and Interpretation Studies merged with the Department of Western Languages and Literatures, and under the umbrella of this department English Translation and Interpretation and French Translation and Interpretation Departments were opened. In 2007, these three departments merged under the umbrella of Translation Studies. After Kurultay, Prof. Dr. Emel Ergun, Prof. Dr. Alev Bulut and Prof. Dr. Mine Yazıcı served as the department chair respectively. Today, Prof. Dr. Arsun Uras Yılmaz is serving as the department chair of Translation Studies department.

Brief Information Regarding the Scientific Works and Research Activities of our Department

In our departments, education and research activities on the theoretical infrastructure and application areas of translation are carried out, including topics such as translation history, translation practices, translation comparisons, translation theories, special field translations, literary translation, translation technologies, special field knowledge and translation, and interpretation. Accordingly, each department expects its students to have C1 level knowledge of A language (mother tongue), B2 for B language and B1 for C language according to the European Language Portfolio.

Academic Staff

Translation Studies and French Translation and Interpretation Studies
Prof. Dr. Arsun Uras Yılmaz (Head of the Department of Translation Studies and French Translation and Interpretation Studies)
Prof. Dr. Emel Ergun
Assoc. Prof. Nesrin Deliktaşlı
Asst. Prof. Tuba Ayık Akça (Assoc. Depart. Head)
Asst. Prof. Zuhal Emirosmanoğlu
Inst. Eylem Alp
Inst. Lucrezia Mitaritonna
Inst. Serap Birdane
Research Asst. Elif Arslanoğlu
Research Asst. Hasan Sefer

English Translation and Interpretation Studies
Prof. Dr. Ayşe Fitnat Ece (Head of the Department)
Prof. Dr. Alev Bulut
Prof. Dr. Mine Yazıcı
Asst. Prof. Esra Özkaya
Asst. Prof. Hüseyin Yurtdaş
Asst. Prof. Sinem Canım Alkan (Assoc. Depart. Head)
Research Asst. Fatih İkiz
Research Asst. Güneşnaz Kuru
Research Asst. Recai ER

German Translation and Interpretation Studies
Assoc. Prof. Necdet Neydim (Head of the Department)
Asst. Prof. Neslihan Demez (Assoc. Depart. Head)
Asst. Prof. Turgut Gümüşoğlu
Asst. Prof. Yeşim Safiye Tükel Kanra
Inst. Erkan Çotuk
Research Asst. Ensa Filazi
Research Asst. Sevil Asuman Karakaya

Project/Award etc. Achievements of Academics

The National Competence Preparation Cooperation Protocol was signed between IU Faculty of Letters, Department of Translation Studies, and the Ministry of Labor and Social Security under the coordination of Prof. Dr. Alev Bulut, one of the members of the Department of English Translation and Interpretation Studies at Istanbul University. The following members of IU Faculty of Letters, Prof. Dr. Alev Bulut, Assoc. Prof. Necdet Neydim, Asst. Prof. Sinem Canım-Alkan and Asst. Prof. Esra Özkaya take part in the commission, which continues to work on the preparation of the National Competence Standards.
Prof. Dr. Mine Yazıcı was granted the Honor Award by the Translation and Interpreting Association Turkey in 2016, the University Textbooks Award by the Turkish Academy of Science in 2008, and was awarded several prizes in international projects carried on within the Istanbul University Scientific Research Projects Unit between 2015 and 2017. Yazıcı also executed many projects including “New Orientations in Research from the Perspective of Turkey”, “Paradigmatic Shifts in Translation Studies as a Subfield of Humanities”, and “The Potentialities of Research in Translation Studies as Interdisciplinary” supported by Higher Education Institutions between 2008 and 2017.

Information about education objectives, quotas, accreditation status, the prep classifany of the department at the undergraduate level

The mission of our department is to raise students, who can create solution for true necessities, have the initiative and qualifications to raise the quality standard, and depending on this goal, who can adopt translation as an intercultural communication expertise. In addition, for the creation of a new professional profile, our mission is to provide a specific kind of knowledge, to conduct research studies, to raise awareness in the concerned public, and by enhancing the flow of information and cultural interaction, to improve translation education in Turkey which is a rapidly changing country located at the center of social development.
In addition to operating as an expert in the various sub-branches of the translation profession in Turkey, conforming the international standards, especially the EU, our department aims to train students with necessary awareness and qualifications to increase the quality of the profession. In this context, in line with the emphasis on the interdisciplinarity of the field, we aim to provide the cooperation of our university and faculty with other departments in terms of sharing knowledge for the translation of specialization areas, to improve the conditions for the students to obtain the necessary technical equipment and information in the field of translation, to archive dissertations and articles on translation studies, to observe new research areas, and because translatorship is not "legally" defined as a profession with definite and clear boundaries, to express possible problems that our graduates might face, to seek solutions for these problems and to provide suggestions for our graduates to fulfill their professions and to get equally rewarded for their labor.
Due to our faculty's location on the historical peninsula, students can experience both a new and an old Istanbul experience. Within the scope of our department, faculty library, computer laboratory and simultaneous laboratory facilities are provided to our students. We are in the process of joining FEDEK, which is an accreditation organization valid across Turkey. There is no preparatory class in our departments. The YKS score type of our French Translation and Interpretation Department is foreign language and 31 students were admitted to our department in 2019 and the lowest success ranking was 73552.
The YKS score type of our English Translation and Interpretation Department is foreign language and 50 students were admitted to our department in 2019 and the lowest success ranking was 4400.
The YKS score type of our German Translation and Interpretation Department is foreign language and 52 students were admitted to our department in 2019 and the lowest success ranking was 46536.

How to apply Double Major and Minor Programs?

In our department, successful students who meet certain conditions are offered the opportunity to receive a double major or minor program in another department of the faculty. A student who successfully completes the double major program has a double diploma. Our departments also offer double major and minor branch quotas to students of other departments. Both programs accept students who fulfill the conditions determined by the Faculty of Letters.

Department's Student Club

In 2000, our English Translation and Interpretation and German Translation and Interpretation departments, together with the Translation Association and pioneering efforts of Prof. Dr. Turgay Kurultay and Professor Dr. Alev Bulut, founded ARÇ (Guiding Translation in Disaster) organization. As of 2000, with the protocol signed with the Governorship of Istanbul under the guidance of Istanbul University and under the umbrella of the Translation Association, the organization started education and studies in the field of translation. This program, where those who want to voluntarily translate and interpret for the foreign search, rescue and aid teams in disasters such as earthquakes, are pre-trained, continues with the participation of Hacettepe University and Dokuz Eylül University.
In addition, ISCEV (Istanbul University Translation Club), where our students carry out many activities, is in contact with both scholars who are competent in various fields of translation and translators working in public and/or private institutions, and the club organizes many interviews and activities for our students every semester.
Head of ISÇEV Hüseyin Yalım,

Graduate Education

Our department provides graduate-level master's and doctorate programs. Students are accepted to the programs within the conditions determined by the Social Sciences Institute.

Exchange Programs

Erasmus agreements of French Translation and Interpretation Department are as follows:
Universite De Geneve (Switzerland), Ghent University (Belgium), Universite Paris-Est Creteil Val De Marne (France), Universidade De Vigo (Spain), Universite De Rouen (France), Universite D'orleans (France), Aristotle University Of Thessaloniki (Greece), Universite Toulouse- Jean Jaures (France)

Erasmus agreements of English Translation and Interpretation Department are as follows: Ghent University (Belgium), Universidade De Castilla La Mancha (Spain), Universidade De Vigo (Spain), Aristotle University Of Thessaloniki (Greece), Ionian University (Greece)

Erasmus agreements of German Translation and Interpretation Department are as follows: Johannes Gutenberg- Universität Mainz (Germany), Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität Bonn (Germany), Karl Franzens Universität Graz (Austria), South-West University Neofit Rilski (Bulgaria), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece), Nicolaus Copernicus University of Torun (Poland), University Degli Studi Napoli`Orientale (Italy)

Erasmus+ program is intended for both undergraduate and graduate students and student exchange is organized in accordance with the conditions set by Istanbul University Erasmus Program Coordinator Desk and Turkey's National Agency. With the Farabi educational exchange program, exchanges are executed within Turkey. The Farabi exchange program is valid for 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade students in terms of our English Translation and Interpretation Department and the department accepts two students from other universities and sends two students to other universities. The Farabi exchange program is valid for 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade students in terms of our French Translation and Interpretation Department and the department accepts one student from other universities and sends one student to other universities. The Farabi exchange program is valid for 2nd and 3rd grade students in terms of our French Translation and Interpretation Department and the department accepts one student from other universities and sends one student to other universities. Our English Translation and Interpretation Department also has an agreement with Baku Slavyan University and Azerbaijan University within the scope of the Mevlana exchange program that provides the opportunity of educational exchange worldwide.

Journals (published by Department)

Istanbul University Journal of Translation, a publication of our faculty is an open access, refereed, bi-annual, multilingual, international, scientific journal. It was first published in 2010.

Features that Distinguishes Our Department from Equivalent Departments

Our department includes pioneering, competent and respected scholars in the field of translation studies, and is distinguished from equivalent undergraduate and graduate programs with its experienced and reknown staff. Our faculty members, who work in three different departments in our undergraduate program, transfer their cultural and professional knowledge to students through common courses in three departments.

Business areas that our graduates can work and be involve

Our graduates are employed in state institutions such as various ministries, undersecretaries, general directorates; as a translator, executive assistant, language specialist in translation businesses in the private sector, foreign trade, advertising and marketing, tourism companies, sports clubs, the media, and various international and multinational organizations ; as an educator, translator, researcher, communication specialist, teacher in academic institutions.

Admission Requirements to Undergraduate Programs for International Students

International students are admitted to our department in accordance with the conditions set by Istanbul University Student Affairs and transfer opportunities are also offered.

Admission Requirements to Graduate Programs for International Students

International students are admitted to our graduate programs in accordance with the conditions and quota determined by the Social Sciences Institute and scholarships are also provided. Thesis writing in a foreign language is not accepted.

Social Media Accounts

Our German Translation and Interpretation Department has a Facebook group called “Istanbul Üniversitesi Mütercim Tercümanlık Almanca”.